Formative Evaluation of the Nursing Education Program Recognition Process Pilot
British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives

Formative evaluation as validation of the new Program Recognition assessment process and associated tools by obtaining feedback from the pilot schools’ nursing program administrators, faculty and students as well as the program assessors on the usability and functionality of the tools and the process’ ability to obtain and assess the required evidence.

Formative Evaluation of the Information Literacy Program
CIVIX (National Charity)

A mixed method evaluation of a national initiative to help students in Grades 5 to 12 build the skills and habits to support informed citizenship. The program’s cornerstones are resources and learning modules for teachers to help students understand the world of digital information, develop online verification skills, and build a habit of relying on credible sources.

Formative Evaluation of the Quality Assurance Program
College of Optometrists of Ontario

Using best practices in assessment in the professions and member perceptions, a review of the College’s current Quality Assurance Program was undertaken to identify strengths, needs and opportunities.

Formative Evaluation of the Nursing Education Program Approval Process Pilot
College of Nurses of Ontario

Formative evaluation as validation of the new Program Approval assessment process and associated tools by obtaining feedback from the pilot schools’ nursing program administrators, faculty and students as well as the program assessors on the usability and functionality of the tools and the process’ ability to obtain and assess the required evidence.

Formative Evaluation of the Pathways to the Profession Pilot Program
The Law Society of Ontario (formerly Law Society of Upper Canada) 

A comprehensive multi-year evaluation of the provincial governing body’s pilot for a new professional licensure program serving Ontario’s lawyer candidates. Key evaluation activities include: stakeholder consultation; logic model and evaluation framework development; instrument development; mixed method data collection and analyses; and various knowledge translation strategies.

Best Practices Review of a National Examination Process for Financial Professionals
The Royal Bank of Canada

A review of examination development, implementation and analysis processes for a national scale program for financial professionals, providing recommendations for best practices implementation for program improvement and leveraging of data for strategic planning.

Evaluability Assessment for the Crossroads Program
Safe City Mississauga

A review of various elements of the program, including: documents and literature; delivery methods; performance measures; and key stakeholder interviews to assess the readiness for this community-based youth program delivered in school settings for comprehensive outcome evaluation. Guidance and recommendations provided to improve program readiness for evaluation.

Formative Evaluation of Phase Three – Year One Disability Rights Promotion International
Disability Rights Promotion International

An implementation-focused evaluation of this international project’s Phase III activities in developing countries on four continents. The DRPI project is operating in some 20 countries around the globe and funded in part by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Formative Evaluation of the Increasing the Capacity of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to Hire and Retain Internationally Trained Immigrants (ITIs) – the ICHR Project
CONNECT Strategic Alliances and the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration

Determining project quality, strength of partnerships and governance structures and best practices for project management by CONNECT, which represents Ontario’s 24 publicly-funded colleges. The project aimed to increase employer awareness of the process and benefits of hiring ITIs in order to address immediate and long-term labour and skills shortages. A comprehensive literature review on similar projects/services was conducted as well.

Formative Evaluations of the Test for Success; Building Internationally Educated Nursing Students’ Intercultural Competence through Technologically Enhanced Learning; and Equivalency Assessment Recognition for Nurses Programs
York University School of Nursing and the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration

Program logic model development; evaluation framework development to measure contexts, inputs, processes and outcomes over multiple years; instrument development/evaluation, including web-based evaluation tools; evaluation of a range of program components through quantitative and qualitative data collection utilizing multiple sources and multiple measures for triangulation; data management and analysis; cut score study (EARN program); and assisting with communication to program sponsor (Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration) regarding the program (EARN) designed to assess skills and credentials of nurses educated outside the province of Ontario, and programs (TFS and ICC-TEL) designed to develop skills of internationally educated nurses to help facilitate their transition into the Canadian workplace

Formative Evaluation of the Challenges Program
The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern of Ontario

Quantitative and qualitative data collection utilizing multiple sources and multiple measures, such as the Brief Child and Family Phone Interview (BCFPI), the Parent-Child Relationship Inventory (PCRI) and the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS); conducting interviews, focus groups and document reviews; data management and analysis; and instrument evaluation for the behaviour-modification program offered by the Associated Youth Services of Peel. Responsibilities also included assisting with communications to program sponsor (Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services).

Formative Evaluation of the Collaborative Inquiry for Learning: Building Capacity and Leadership in Mathematics (K-6) in Ontario Professional Development Program
The Ontario Ministry of Education – Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, and the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE)

Working with the Ontario Ministry of Education, Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat’s internal research team to: develop a formative evaluation plan; collect, manage and analyze quantitative and qualitative data from multiple sources in multiple sites throughout the province; and assist with communications to the funding agency (CODE).

Formative Evaluation of Programs for Gifted Students
The Peel District School Board

Designed, developed, delivered and supervised multi-site program evaluation, focusing on processes and student outcomes, involving four professionally-regulated stakeholder groups and special interest parent organizations, utilizing collaborative methods.
See the Final Evaluation Report on the Peel District School Board’s web site.

Formative Evaluation of the Communication Program
The Peel District School Board

Designed, developed, delivered and supervised multi-site program evaluation, involving four professionally-regulated groups of stakeholders and parent groups, utilizing collaborative methods. Related research article can be found in the Alberta Journal of Educational Research 52 (2).
Final Evaluation Report available here.

Manitoba School Improvement Program (MSIP) Evaluation
The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation

Analyzed multi-phase survey data from decade-long program, using multilevel statistical models. See the MSIP Final Evaluation Report; related research article in the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 20 (3).

Formative Evaluation of the Schools Attuned® Professional Development Program
The Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE), the Peel District School Board and All Kinds of Minds™

Designed, developed, delivered and supervised multi-site, multi-phased teachers’ professional development (PD) program evaluation, using Guskey’s multi-level model for PD program evaluation.